Cookie Notice

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  • title - Cookie Notice
  • subtitle - Hino
  • spacerType - preset
  • mobile - 50
  • tabletPortrait - 75
  • tabletLandscape - 100
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  • defaultConcertinaData
      • defaultConcertinaData[0].title - 1. INTRODUCTION
      • defaultConcertinaData[0].content.items[0].content - <p> </p> <p>We use cookies in interacting with you and devices used by you to browse our website. We recommend that you learn how we use cookies by reading about how we use cookies and our <a href="/privacy-notice">Privacy Notice</a>.</p>
      • defaultConcertinaData[1].title - 2. WHAT ARE COOKIES?
      • defaultConcertinaData[1].content.items[0].content - <p> </p> <p>2.1 Many websites use cookies that are invisible to you and that allow the placing of a small text file on your device. This stores information about settings on your device and enables functionality of features on our website. Cookies may also allow that information on your device is collected by the website and stored. You can find out more about cookies at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.<br />  </p> <p>2.2 Some cookies are essential to allow you to use the features on our website. If you do not agree to us using essential cookies you will not receive the benefit of viewing all the features on the website.<br />  </p> <p>2.3 While cookies make your use of a website easy, they are not solely controlled by the website owner and you can control what cookies are placed on your device. We provide clear information about how cookies may be used on our website and provide you with the ability to allow or deny the cookies that we may use.</p>
      • defaultConcertinaData[2].title - 3. WHY DO WE USE COOKIES?
      • defaultConcertinaData[2].content.items[0].content - <p> </p> <p>These files serve a number of useful purposes to you, including:<br />  </p> <p>3.1. ensuring the website functions correctly;<br />  </p> <p>3.2 granting you access to restricted content;<br />  </p> <p>3.3 tailoring our website’s functionality to you personally by letting us remember your preferences, language, location or device type;<br />  </p> <p>3.4 improving how our website performs;<br />  </p> <p>3.5 understanding who our audience is, so that we can provide content most relevant to you;<br />  </p> <p>3.6 allowing third parties to provide services to our website; and<br />  </p> <p>3.7 helping us deliver interest-based advertising where appropriate in compliance with the applicable laws.</p>
      • defaultConcertinaData[3].title - 4. YOUR CONSENT TO COOKIES
      • defaultConcertinaData[3].content.items[0].content - <p> </p> <p>4.1 The cookies used on our website are detailed in the <a href="#cookie-table">Cookie Table</a>. Their use is described and the period of expiry of stored information is indicated.<br />  </p> <p>4.2 We only use cookies if we have your consent which is indicated by selecting YES. If you have previously granted consent and you wish to withdraw consent you can always do so by selecting NO.<br />  </p> <p>4.3 Third parties may also use cookies. You must take care that if you access linked websites, third party plug-ins that can be used on our website, or advertising appearing on our website, that you check how they may use cookies. We are not responsible for how third parties control the use of cookies.<br /> <br /> 4.4 Cookies placed on your device can always be deleted manually. Follow this link for more information on how you can do this: <a href="">How to delete cookies</a></p>
      • defaultConcertinaData[4].title - 5. POLICY RESPONSIBILITY
      • defaultConcertinaData[4].content.items[0].content - <p> </p> <p>5.1 The governing body of TSAM has appointed a Data Protection Committee to oversee the processing of special personal information by TSAM.<br />  </p> <p>5.2 The TSAM CEO has appointed an Information Officer and delegated to the Information Officer the authority to fulfil the duties and responsibilities required in relevant legislation and regulation.<br />  </p> <p>5.3 The Data Protection Committee delegates to the Information Officer the responsibility of monitoring the special controls established for the collection and processing of Special Personal information and Children’s information and immediately requiring failures to be rectified without reference to the Data Protection Committee</p>
      • defaultConcertinaData[5].title - 6. REVIEW AND AUDIT
      • defaultConcertinaData[5].content.items[0].content - <p> </p> <p>6.1 The notice (and the procedures, standards and guidelines supporting the policy) is reviewed by the TSAM Data Protection Committee regularly, and at least once in each year.<br />  </p> <p>6.2 Reviews and any revisions of the notice (and the procedures, standards and guidelines supporting the notice) will be recorded in an Approval and Revision History filed with this notice.<br />  </p> <p>6.3 Compliance with this notice (and the procedures, standards and guidelines supporting the notice) is monitored and subject to audit.</p>
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