  • bannerType - generic
  • genericData.title - Hino-Connect
  • genericData.subtitle - In Contact. In Control
  • genericData.buttons[0].defaultButton
    • genericData.buttons[0].button.linkLabel - Brochure
    • genericData.buttons[0].button.linkUrl - https://media.cdntoyota.co.za/toyotacms/attachments/HINO_CONNECT_SalesBrochure_FINAL.pdf
    • genericData.buttons[0].button.linkWindow - true
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  • htmlTextData.content.items[0].content - <p>A Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) telematics platform which delivers essential, real-time data, visibility and impact to effectively manage your fleet operations. </p>
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  • htmlTextData.content.items[0].content - <h2>8 Reasons to insist on HINO-CONNECT</h2>
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  • galleryData.tabLabel - Hino-Connect
  • gallery[0].imageGalleryItems
    • imageGalleryItems[0].slideTitle - &nbsp;
    • imageGalleryItems[0].slideCaption - &nbsp;
    • imageGalleryItems[0].slideImage -
    • imageGalleryItems[1].slideTitle - VEHICLE TRACKING AND RECOVERY
    • imageGalleryItems[1].slideCaption - Experience peace of mind with our cutting-edge vehicle tracking and recovery system, powered by an advanced tracking unit and supported by our dedicated 24/7 recovery team, ensuring the utmost security for your vehicle.
    • imageGalleryItems[1].slideImage -
    • imageGalleryItems[2].slideTitle - FUEL USE AND WASTAGE REPORTS
    • imageGalleryItems[2].slideCaption - Unlock the power of precise fuel management with our comprehensive fuel-use- and wastage reports, empowering you to assess, and significantly reduce, costs while maximising your efficiency.
    • imageGalleryItems[2].slideImage -
    • imageGalleryItems[3].slideTitle - CUSTOMISED REPORTS
    • imageGalleryItems[3].slideCaption - Gain a competitive advantage with tailored reports that empower you to effortlessly understand the profitability of each vehicle in your fleet, allowing you to make data-driven decisions that drive success and boosts your bottom line.
    • imageGalleryItems[3].slideImage -
    • imageGalleryItems[4].slideTitle - DRIVER SCORECARDS
    • imageGalleryItems[4].slideCaption - Elevate your fleet's performance and safety standards with our Driver Scorecards; a powerful tool designed to incentivise and champion exemplary driver behaviour, thereby ensuring optimal efficiency, safety, and cost savings for your business.
    • imageGalleryItems[4].slideImage -
    • imageGalleryItems[5].slideTitle - ACTIONABLE DATA
    • imageGalleryItems[5].slideCaption - Unlock the key to proactive maintenance and superior monitoring with our comprehensive data access that enables you to stay one step ahead of potential challenges.
    • imageGalleryItems[5].slideImage -
    • imageGalleryItems[6].slideTitle - CAN BUS INTEGRATION
    • imageGalleryItems[6].slideCaption - Experience contemporary fleet management with seamless CAN Bus integration that delivers real-time, granular vehicle performance data for fleet monitoring and in-depth analysis. Stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions with the power of live insights at your fingertips.
    • imageGalleryItems[6].slideImage -
    • imageGalleryItems[7].slideTitle - ALERTS
    • imageGalleryItems[7].slideCaption - Stay in control and safeguard your vehicle with our alert system, giving you timely notifications that keep you informed and empower you to take immediate action when it matters.
    • imageGalleryItems[7].slideImage -
    • imageGalleryItems[8].slideTitle - DATA
    • imageGalleryItems[8].slideCaption - Unlock the potential for optimised routes, enhanced efficiency, and meticulous fuel management through our robust data-driven solutions, offering you the competitive advantage of precision and control in every aspect of your operations.
    • imageGalleryItems[8].slideImage -
Slider deck
  • title - Upgrade to experience these additional services:
  • hideBackgroundText - true
  • deckType - general
  • generalData
    • generalData[0].cardTitle - immediate alerts
    • generalData[0].cardContent - <p>Immediate alerts for serious accidents and the dispatch of 71 medical assistance, using impact detection technology</p>
    • generalData[0].cardImage -
    • generalData[1].cardTitle - real time
    • generalData[1].cardContent - <p>Real time task assignment, tracking and closure of jobs for your drivers with the Communicator app. </p>
    • generalData[1].cardImage -
    • generalData[2].cardTitle - powerful software
    • generalData[2].cardContent - <p>Powerful vehicle cost and administration software that can integrate with your existing software </p>
    • generalData[2].cardImage -